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Maximize Your Fungicides with Franchise

Features & Benefits

What is Franchise?

Unlike traditional surfactants, FRANCHISE is specifically formulated for Strobilurin fungicides - though it can be used with a variety of chemistries - and increases droplet deposition while minimizing variability in performance. FRANCHISE combines a LECI-TECH® system with an NPE free surfactant for optimal performance.

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With Leci-Tech Technology

TO: Drift reduction with performance-sized droplets

ON: Droplet retention by adhesion and spreading

IN: Increased penetration without cuticle disruption

Designed to help enhance aerial applications

Specifically formulated for strobilurin chemistries

NPE-free liquid formulation

Improves droplet deposition and spreading

Consistently minimizes variability of strobilurin performance

Proprietary formula is particularly helpful to crops experiencing stress